Collard Green Wraps


Collard Green Wraps

Collard Green Wraps have been my lunch of choice lately. Not only are collared greens a great alternative to bread, but they are packed full of multiple benefits for your health! You can pretty much roll anything up in these beautiful leafy greens to make the perfect lunch.

Health Benefits: Collard greens are best known for lowering cholesterol and for cancer prevention. Adding collard greens to your diet will help you get great vitamins and nutrients in your system. These leafy greens contain massive doses of vitamin K, A, and a generous dose of Vitamin C, as well as calcium, iron, fiber, and Vitamin B6. The list for the benefits of collard greens is long, aiding to digestive support, inflammatory conditions, and cardiovascular support. Not a bad Green to introduce into your diet. There is even more good news... if you're like me and aren't crazy about steamed greens, you can simply add collared greens to your meal plan by eating them as wraps!

You can pretty much wrap any of your favorite ingredients in these greens.

Here are two examples...

